Cantharellus cibarius
 Cap – 44 to 10 cm wide; the funnel-shaped cap has a wavy, irregular margin; yellowish;
 Stalk – 3 to 6 cm, yellowish and funnelled;
 Flesh – white; solid; odor fragrant and sweet, like apricots.
Boletus Edulis
 Cap – it can reach up to 20 cm of diameter, is very viscous, especially in wet weather, dark brown and has concavous form;
 Stalk – 10 to 20cm, reddish-brown fading to white in areas near the margin, rather large in comparison to the cap;
 Flesh – white, wet, with sweetish flavour;
Hydnum repandum
 Cap – 2 to 12 cm wide; the margin inrolled at firt; dry; fairly smooth; broadly convex; dull orange-tan or paler.
 Stalk – 2 to 7 cm long; 1 to 2, 5 cm thick; bruising brownish; it has no veil.
 Flesh – whitish; odor mild.
Craterellus Cornucopioides
 Cap – 44 to 9 cm, trumpet form, tubular at first, bluish purple, smooth;
 Stalk – grey, hollow, without a clearly defined stalk;
 Flesh – thin and brittle; blackish.
Cantharellus Tubaeformis
 Cap – trumpet form, with about 5cm of diameter, greyish brown to blackish brown colour;
 Stalk – it has a more yellowish coloration in the part that is in contact with the ground; the parts closed to the cap have a more greyish coloration;
 Flesh – aromatic smell with sweetish flavour; yellowish.